without application fee in usa

আমেরিকাতে অ্যাপ্লিকেশন ফি ছাড়া যেসব ইউনিভার্সিটিগুলোতে আবেদন করা যাবেঃ

List of USA Universities with application fee waiver for graduate school.

Get it by:

Mailing postgraduate coordinator
Applying early
Attending grad school fair
Demonstrating need & excellence
Using free code on website
Southern Illinois University https://siu.edu/
Georgia State University https://www.gsu.edu/
University of Alabama https://www.ua.edu/
Northeastern University https://www.northeastern.edu/
University Arkansas Little Rock https://ualr.edu/
Rochester University https://www.rochester.edu/
NYU, New York https://www.nyu.edu/
Boston University http://www.bu.edu/
University of Albany , New York https://www.albany.edu/
John Hopkins University https://www.jhu.edu/
Worcester Polytechnic Institute https://www.wpi.edu/
Portland State University https://www.pdx.edu/
RPI, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
University Massachusetts at Lowell https://www.uml.edu/
Purdue University https://www.purdue.edu/
Kent State University https://www.kent.edu/
Florida State University https://www.fsu.edu/
Yale University https://www.yale.edu/
New Mexico Highlands University https://www.nmhu.edu/
Claremont University https://www.cgu.edu/
Ball State University https://www.bsu.edu/
Michigan State University https://msu.edu/
Michigan Tech University https://www.mtu.edu/
Lehigh University https://www1.lehigh.edu/
Cornell University https://www.cornell.edu/
George Washington University https://www.gwu.edu/
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee https://uwm.edu/
Cleveland State University https://www.csuohio.edu/
New Mexico State University https://nmsu.edu/
Notre Dame University https://www.nd.edu/
Western Michigan University https://wmich.edu/
University of Maine https://umaine.e du/
University of Illinois Springfield https://www.uis.edu/