Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 2 Answers


1. Answer: Bhatt

2. Answer: 31 March

3. Answer: nursing

4. Answer: 2

5. Answer: meat

6. Answer: bedsit

7. Answer: theatre/theater

8. Answer: mature/older

9. Answer: town

10. Answer: shared


11. Answer: trees

Many different …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – Then there’s Holt Island, which is noted for its great range of trees.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (trees):
    • many different = wide range
  • Explanation:
    • We hear that the great variety of trees on Holt Island is the feature of particular interest.
    • The answer is trees

12. Answer: Friday/Sunday

Between … and …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – The island is only open to the public from Friday to Sunday, because it’s quite small, and if there were people around every day, much of the wildlife would keep away.
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker says that the island is open ‘from Friday to Sunday’, which is the same as ‘between Friday and Sunday’.
    • So, the answer is Friday/Sunday.

13. Answer: farm

Reconstruction of a 2,000-year-old … with activities for children

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • From there it’s just a short walk across the bridge to Longfield Country Park. Longfield has a modern replica of a farm from over two thousand years ago. Children’s activities are often arranged there …
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (farm):
    • reconstruction = replica
  • Explanation:
    • At Longfield Country Park, there is a reconstruction (= a replica/a copy) of a farm from 2,000 years ago.
    • The answer is farm.

14. Answer: C. dye cloth with herbs.

Reconstruction of a 2,000-year-old … with activities for children

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – On Monday you can learn about herbs, and how they’ve been used over the centuries. You’ll start with a tour of our herb garden, practise the technique of using them as colour dyes for cloth, and listen to an illustrated talk about their use in cooking and medicine.
  • Explanation:
    • A is incorrect since visitors will only listen to a talk about how herbs are used in cooking, NOT actually cook with herbs.
    • B is not mentioned anywhere in the recording hence irrelevant.
    • The correct answer must be C because the tour guide says the visitors can “practise the technique of using them as colour dyes for cloth”. The word “practise” means that they will be able to actually dye the cloth.
    • So, the answer is C.

15. Answer: B

Reconstruction of a 2,000-year-old … with activities for children

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • Then on Wednesday you can join local experts to discover the variety of insects and birds that appear in the evening. We keep to a small number of people in the group, so if you want to go you’ll need to phone the park ranger a few days ahead. There’s a small charge, which you should pay when you turn up.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (B):
    • in advance = ahead
  • Explanation:
    • Although the word “group” is mentioned, it is not said that only group bookings are accepted. So A is incorrect – we only know that local experts will take a small group of people to watch the birds and insects.
    • C is also incorrect because “there’s a small charge”, indicating that it won’t be free.
    • The correct answer must be B, since the visitors who want to go on Wednesday “need to phone the park ranger a few days ahead”, with “a few days ahead” meaning “in advance”. We can understand from this that they need to call the ranger to make a booking in advance.
    • The answer is B.

16. Answer: A. come in suitable clothing.

Reconstruction of a 2,000-year-old … with activities for children

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – You’ll have a choice of all sorts of activities, from planting hedges to picking up litter, so you’ll be able to change from one to another when you feel like it. The rangers will be hard at work all day, but do come and join in, even for just a short while. One thing, though, is to make sure you’re wearing something that you don’t mind getting dirty or torn
  • Explanation:
    • The visitors will have many activities to choose from when they feel like it, which means that they can do whatever activity they want. So it does not seem logical that they need to tell the rangers what they want to do before the event, as stated in C.
    • And when you hear the phrase “a short while” you may make a connection to “the whole day”, both of which refer to time, but it is not the case. Rangers will be working hard all day, but visitors can join in – even if only for a short time. Hence B is not the answer.
    • A is correct, because it is said that visitors should wear something they “don’t mind getting dirty or torn”, in other words, “suitable clothing”.
    • The answer is A.

17. Answer: A

bird hide

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – And finally I’d like to tell you about our new wildlife area, Hinchingbrooke Park … you can see the two gates into the park and the main paths.  As you can see, there’s a lake in the north west of the park, with a bird hide to the west of it, at the end of a path.
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker asks us to look for the lake.  The bird hidden is at the end of the path which finishes to the west of the lake.  Therefore, the bird hide is located at A.

18. Answer: I

Dog-walking area

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – Fairly close to where refreshments are available, there’s a dog-walking area in the southern part of the park, leading off from the path.
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker gives three instructions to locate this area:  near the refreshments, in the south of the park, and near the path.
    • The answer has to be I.

19. Answer: F

Flower garden

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – And if you just want to sit and relax, you can go to the flower garden; that’s the circular area on the map surrounded by paths.
  • Explanation:
    • This is not too difficult to locate. There is only one circle marked on the map, and it is surrounded by paths.
    • The flower garden is F.

20. Answer: E

Wooded area

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • – And finally, there’s a wooded area in the western section of the park, between two paths.
  • Explanation:
    • Looking at the west of the map, the letter ‘E’ is marked between two paths.
    • Therefore, the answer is E.


21. Answer: C. it is an important part of their studies.

Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • JUN: The majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements to the equipment, particularly the computers; there aren’t enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (C):
    • important = major
    • part = component
  • Explanation:
    • It is said that there aren’t enough computers for each student, so the variety of equipment is not great at all and the students think this should be improved. It is then pretty obvious A is not the reason why they want to keep the Centre.
    • Although the speaker says that it is a variation on classroom routine, this only means that students enjoy the variety provided by the Centre.  It does not mean that they like working on their own in general.  So, B is wrong.
    • In fact, it is due to how important the Centre is to them: “they see it as a pretty major component of their course”, which can be paraphrased into “they see it as an important part of their course”.
    • Therefore, the answer is C.

22. Answer: B. move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.

Some teachers would prefer to

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check their personal emails. We don’t want to stop you using it, but we think studentsthe computersshould be used as a learning resource, not for emails. Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (B):
    • move = relocate
    • restrict = stop
  • Explanation:
    • The teachers say that they don’t want to stop the students from using the centre, so A is not correct.
    • With regard to the access to the Centre’s computers, the teachers don’t think it is appropriate to use them for emails, but they don’t want to restrict the students from using the Centre: “We don’t want to stop you students using it”, hence C is wrong too.
    • What has been suggested is that the Centre is relocated, or moved, to another building (which can be considered “elsewhere”).
    • The answer is B.

23. Answer: B

The students’ main concern about using the library would be

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it wouldn’t be like a class activity anymore. Our main worry would be not being able to go to a teacher for advice. I’m sure there would be plenty of things to do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (B):
    • concern = worry
    • help = advice
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker says that the library would be big enough, so the size of the library is not a problem; A is incorrect.
    • C is incorrect because it is said that “there would be plenty of things to do”, meaning there CANNOT be a lack of materials in the library.
    • The students’ main worry (or main concern) is not being able to get advice, in other words, help from the teachers. This could be considered a difficulty.
    • Hence B is the answer.

24. Answer: C. the difficulty in supervising the centre.

The Director of Studies is concerned about

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • PAM: It’s not so much the expense that I’m worried about, and we’ve certainly got room to do it, but it’s the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in there outside class hours. If we’re going to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything is looked after properly.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (C):
    • cost = expense
    • concerned = worried
    • space = room
    • supervise = look after
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker is not worried about the expense (similar to cost) – the plan is to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources, so A cannot be the answer.
    • B is wrong as well because it is certain that there is enough room, so there can’t be a lack of space.
    • The real concern is how to timetable a teacher to be at the Centre and look after all the expensive equipment and resources, in other words, how to assign someone to supervise the Centre.
    • The correct answer is C.

25. Answer: reading

The level of the … materials, in particular, should be more clearly shown.

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • PAM: What about other resources?  Do you have a list of things that the students would like to see improved?
    • JUN: Yes, one of the comments that students frequently make is that they find it difficult to find materials that are appropriate for their level, especially reading resources, so I think we need to label them more clearly.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (reading):
    • in particular = especially
    • show = label
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker says that students have difficulty in finding the appropriate materials for their level, so the level should be shown.  The speaker refers especially to the reading resources in the Centre.
    • The answer is reading.

26. Answer: CD

Update the … collection

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • JUNThe CD section especially needs to be more current.  I think we should get some of the ones that go with our latest course books and also make multiple copies.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (CD):
    • update = be current
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker says that the CD section ‘needs to be more current’.  It is clear that the collection should include the CDs that go with the most recent course books.
    • The answer is CD.

27. Answer: workbooks

Buy some … and divide them up

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • PAM: What do you think of the idea of introducing some workbooks?  If we break them up into separate pages and laminate them, they’d be a great resource.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (workbooks):
    • divide = break up
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker suggests buying some workbooks, and then using separate pages from these, laminating them and using them as a resource for students as worksheets.
    • The answer is workbooks.

28. Answer: timetable/schedule

Speak to the teachers and organise a … for supervising the centre

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • PAM: I’ll have to talk to the teachers and make sure we can all make some agreement on a timetable to supervise the centreafter class.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (timetable):
    • speak = talk
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker says that she will talk to the teachers and ‘make some agreement’ (= organise) for supervising the Centre.
    • The answer is timetable/schedule.

29. Answer: alarm

Install an …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • JUN: What about putting in an alarm?
    • PAM: Good idea.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (alarm):
    • install = put in
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker agree that it is a good idea to install an alarm for the Centre.
    • The answer is alarm.

30. Answer: email(s)

Restrict personal use of … on computers.

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • PAM: The other thing I’d like to do is to talk to our technicians and see whether we could somehow limit the access to email.  I really don’t want to see that resource misused.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (email(s)):
    • restrict = limit
  • Explanation:
    • Referring to the computers, the speaker says that she wants to ask the technicians to find some way to stop students using the computers for emails.
      • The answer is email(s).


31. Answer: central

… power source

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • The first type is called the Power Culture, and it’s usually found in small organisations. It’s the type of culture that needs a central source of power to be effective, and because control is in the hands of just one or two people there aren’t many rules or procedures.
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker refers to the Power Culture, which usually exists in small organisations.  Control is by one or two people, so a central power source operates.
    • The answer is central.

32. Answer: conversation/conversations

Communication by …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • Another characteristic is that communication usually takes the form of conversations rather than, say, formal meetings or written memos.
  • Explanation:
    • In organisations which have a Power Culture, people usually communicate by talking to each other/having conversations.
    • The answer is conversation/conversations.

33. Answer: effectively

Might not act …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • But on the negative side, this type of organisation doesn’t always act effectively, because it depends too much on one or two people at the top….
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (effectively):
    • disadvantage = negative side
  • Explanation:
    • The Power Culture has a negative side – it may not always act effectively.  This happens when the one or two people at the top make bad decisions.
    • The answer is effectively.

34. Answer: risk/risks

Not afraid of …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • And the kind of person who does well in this business culture is one who is happy to take risks, and for whom job security is a low priority.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (risk/risks):
    • not afraid = happy
  • Explanation:
    • In the Power Culture, an employee who does well is prepared/happy to take risks – it’s a person who is not afraid of risk, or even losing their job
    • The answer is risk/risks.

35. Answer: levels

Large, many …

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • The next type is Role Culture … and this type is usually found in large companies, which have lots of different levels in them.
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker now talks about Role Culture.  This is typical of large companies which have many/lots of different levels.
    • The answer is levels.

36. Answer: description/descriptions

Rules and procedure, e.g. job … and rules for discipline

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • These organisations usually have separate departments that specialise in things like finance, or sales, or maintenance, or whatever.  Each one is co-ordinated at the top by a small group of senior managers, and typically everyone’s job is controlled by sets of rules and procedures – for example, there are specific job descriptions, rules for discipline, and so on.
  • Explanation:
    • There are usually different/specialised departments in these big organisations, and everyone has to follow certain rules and procedures.  People who work there each have a job description of what they have to do in their work.
    • The answer is description/descriptions.

37. Answer: technical

Successful when … ability is important

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • What are the benefits of this kind of culture? … And secondly, it is particularly successful in business markets where technical expertise is important.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (technical):
    • advantages = benefits
    • ability = expertise
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker says that advantage of this type of culture is that it is very successful when a secondtechnical ability is important.
    • The answer is technical.

38. Answer: change

Slow to see when … is needed

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • On the other hand, this culture is often very slow to recognisethe need for change, and even slower to react.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (change):
    • see = recognise
  • Explanation:
    • When we hear the speaker say ‘On the other hand….’, we now expect to hear about the disadvantages of this type of culture.  The disadvantage mentioned here is that such a culture is often slow to see the need for change.
    • The answer is change.

39. Answer: responsibility

Slow to see when … is needed

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • What kind of person does this type of culture suit? Well it suits employees who value security, and who don’t particularly want to have responsibility.
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker gives two qualities that are typical of employees who are suited to Role Culture:  they value job security, and they don’t want responsibility.
    • The answer is responsibility.

40. Answer: flexible

Slow to see when … is needed

  • Here’s what the speakers say:
    • Moving on to Task Cultures … Now one of the major benefits of this culture is that it is flexible.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (flexible):
    • advantages = benefits
  • Explanation:
    • The speaker describes the characteristics of organisations which have a Task Culture.  There is one major advantage – this type of culture is flexible.
    • The answer is flexible.

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