Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 4 Answers


1. Answer: Ardleigh

2. Answer: newspaper

3. Answer: theme

4. Answer: tent

5. Answer: castle

6. Answer: beach / beaches

7. Answer: 2020

8. Answer: flight

9. Answer: 429

10. Answer: dinner


11-12. Answer: A. the gym, C. the indoor pool

13. Answer: health problems

14. Answer: safety rules

15. Answer: plan

16. Answer: joining

17. Answer: free entry

18. Answer: peak

19. Answer: guests

20. Answer: photo card / photo cards


21. Answer: C.develop a new use for current technology.

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • It’s an international design competition and we will have to come up with a new design for a typical domestic kitchen appliance.
    • I see, and are there any special conditions? Does it have to save energy for example?
    • Actually it was the focus in last year’s competition. This year is different. We have to adopt an innovative approach to existing technology, using it in a way that hasn’t been thought of before.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (C):
    • develop = adopt
    • a new use = an innovative approach….using it (existing technology) in a way that hasn’t been thought of before.
    • current = existing
  • Explanation: Answers A and B contain key words “energy-efficient” and “energy-saving” that can confuse students, because they have the same meaning as “save energy” in the script. However, “it has to save energy” was the focus in last year’s competition. This year, the design competition is different.  Therefore, A is not correct. We have to pay attention to the answer right after ‘it has to save energy’ to see if it is true or not. It is a common trick in Listening tests.  Answer B is not correct because this also refers to ‘energy-saving’, but we know now that this is NOT the focus of the design competition this year.
  • In addition, answer B contains exactly the same words as the script (existing, appliance). Be careful with this kind of answer. A small difference in the words used can change the meaning completely, hence it turns out to be the wrong answer.

22. Answer: A. more appealing.

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • Interesting, what made you choose that?
    • Well, they’re an everyday kitchen appliance in most Australian houses but they are all pretty boring and almost identical to each other. I think some people will be prepared to pay a little extra for something that looks different.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (A):
    • more appealing = look different
    • common = everyday
  • Explanation: John states that most Australian houses have dishwashers – that’s what he means when he says that ‘they’re an everyday kitchenappliance’. So, he does not want to make them more common – Answer B is NOTcorrect. After that, he believes people will “pay a little extra”, which means the price will be a little higher, so it can’t be “economical” (which means saving money). Therefore, C is NOT the answer. John hopes people will buy his product because it is something that ‘looks different’, which means they are attracted to it, or they find it appealing. A is the answer.

23. Answer: B. to switch it on.

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • I see you’ve called your design “the Rockpool”. Why is that?
    • Basically because it looks like the rock pools you find on a beach. The top is made of glass so you can look down into it.
    • And there’s a stone at the bottom. Is that just for decoration?
    • Actually it does have a function. Instead of pushing a button, you turn the stone.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (B):
    • to be used = have a function
    • switch it on = push a button
  • Explanation: We pay attention from the time when the speakers mention “the Rockpool”. One of them mentions the stone and asks if that is just for decoration. “Just” means the stone is only used for decoration and does not have any other purpose. But this is a question, so we have to listen to the answer. John claims it does have a function, which means it will be used for a particular purpose. Therefore, A is NOTthe answer. There is no mention of ‘water escaping’, so Answer C is NOT correct. “Pushing a button” is what you do to switch a machine on. John states that with this rockpool, you don’t push a button, ‘you turn the stone’. Hence, turning the stone has the same function as pushing a button, which is to switch the rockpool on. The answer is B.

24. Answer: A. changes back to a gas.

  • Here’s what the speaker says
    • To allow them to dry, the liquid carbon dioxide and the waste materials all go to an area called the holding chamber. That’s where the liquid is depressurized and so it reverts to a gas.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (A):
    • change back= revert
  • Explanation: At first, the speaker mentions “to dry”, however, it is notthe carbon dioxide itself but the whole process that does that function of drying the dishes. The speaker mentions both the liquid carbon dioxide and the waster materials in the holding chamber, and then explains what will happen in that chamber. Therefore, B is NOT correct. It CANNOT be Answer C, because we know that the liquid is ‘depressurised’ = it loses pressure, but no mention is made of the temperature of the liquid. He uses “theliquid” to refer to “the liquid carbon dioxide”, making it hard for students to understand immediately, hence they are not able to find the answer. “Revert” means “change back”. The answer is A.

25. Answer: C. is collected ready to be re-used.

  • Here’s what the speaker says
    • What happens to the carbon dioxide once the process is complete? Not wasted I hope.
    • Actually, that’s where the real savings are made. The carbon dioxide is sent back to the cylinder and can be used again and again.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (C):
    • at the end of the cleaning process = once the process is complete
    • re-used = used again and again
  • Explanation: We pay attention when one of the speakers asks about what happens to the carbon dioxide once the process is complete, which means at the end of the process. John states “real savings are made”, which means it is not wasted, such as being released to the air or being disposed of. Therefore, A and B are NOT the answer. John says that it will be sent back, which we can understand as being collected at the cylinder, then ‘used again and again’, which means “re-used”. The answer is C.

26. Answer: presentation

27. Answer: model

28. Answer: material / materials

29. Answer: grant

30. Answer: technical


31. Answer: gene

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • One in ten black bears is actually born with a white coat, which is the result of a special gene that surfaces in a few.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (gene):
    • comes from = the result of
    • uncommon = special
  • Explanation: we are told that the white colour of the coat of a few bears comes from an unusual gene.  The answer is gene.

32. Answer: power / powers

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • Local people have named it ‘the spirit bear’.  And according to the legends of these communities, its snowy fur brings with it a special power.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (power/powers):
    • believe = legends
    • unusual = special
  • Explanation: local people have a legend that this white (snowy) colour of the fur has an unusual power.  The answer is power / powers.

33. Answer: strangers

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • Because of this, it has always been highly regarded by them – so much that they do not speak of seeing it to anyone else.  It is their way of protecting it  when strangers visit the area.
  • Explanation: so, the local people do not talk about the bear to strangers, in order to help to protect it.  The answer is strangers.

34. Answer: erosion

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • The white bear’s habitat is quite interesting.  The bear’s strong relationship with the old-growth rainforest is a complex one.  The white bear relies on the huge centuries-old trees in the forest in many ways. For example, the old-growth trees have extremely long roots that help prevent erosion of the soil along the banks of the many fish streams. Keeping these banks intact is important because these streams are home to salmon…..
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (erosion):
    • stop = prevent
  • Explanation: the long roots of the old trees prevent the soil from falling into the rivers (streams), maintaining the habitat of the salmon. The process when soil falls into rivers is called ‘erosion’.  The answer is erosion.

35. Answer: islands

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • Today the spirit bear lives off the coast of the province of British Columbia on a few islands.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (islands):
    • currently = today
    • a small number = a few
  • Explanation: we learn that the white bear ‘is found’ (‘lives’) on a few islands. The answer is islands.

36. Answer: roads

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • The greatest threat to the bear’s existence is the loss of its habitat. Over many years, logging companies have stripped the land by cutting down a large number of trees.  In addition, they have built roads which have fractured the areas where the bear usually feeds, and many hibernation sites have also been lost.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (roads):
    • deforestation = cutting down trees
    • construction = built
  • Explanation: the speaker now talks about threats to the white bear.  In addition to cutting down trees, the logging companies have built roads. The answer is roads.

37. Answer: fishing

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • The logging of the trees along the streams has damaged the places where the bears fish.  To make matters worse, the number of salmon in those streams is declining because there is no legal limit on fishing at the moment.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (fishing):
    • unrestricted = no legal limit
  • Explanation: another threat to the white bear is that there is no legal limit on fishing. So, the number of salmon, on which the bear depends for food, is declining.  The answer is fishing.

38. Answer: reproduction

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • All these influences have a negative impact on the spirit bear’s very existence, which is made all the more fragile by the fact that reproduction among these bears has always been disappointingly low.
  • Explanation: a final threat to the existence of the white bear is the fact that they do not have many young bears – the rate of reproduction is low. The answer is reproduction.

39. Answer: method / methods

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • The government is now requiring logging companies to adopt a better logging method, which is a positive step.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (method/methods):
    • improve = adopt a better method
  • Explanation: the idea of ‘requiring’ is that the government is ordering the logging companies that they ‘must’ improve their methods.  The answer is method / methods.

40. Answer: expansion

  • Here’s what the speaker says:
    • While it is important to maintain the spirit bear’s habitat, there also needs to be more emphasis on its expansion.
  • Here are the key words that help you to get the correct answer (expansion):
    • territory = habitat
  • Explanation:the speaker mentions that the maintenance of the habitat of the spirit bear, and also says that it is necessary to expand its territory. The answer is expansion.

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